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Infographic spread



Free University of Bolzano

Designed with: Silvia Bottura, Ksenia Grinevich



The aim of this infographic is to show the role of food science through the analysis of the chocolate candy. Everyone knows and appreciates it, it is small and seems simple from the outside, but every ingredient hides a story in itself.

We have played a little with food photography

in order to find the best graphic solution. The photo

in the background creates the grid and the mood

of the spread while everything in the foreground

is simple, tidy and black.


The final aim of the project was to translate scientific data in a visual, appealing and simple way.

spread finale copia.jpg
Rachele Carloni_La scienza del cioccolat
Rachele Carloni_La scienza del cioccolat
Rachele Carloni_La scienza del cioccolat
Rachele Carloni_La scienza del cioccolat
Rachele Carloni_La scienza del cioccolat
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