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Poster design


2019 - 2020




I have participated to some open calls and contests, such as Posterheroes and Posterjam, to keep playing with poster design (and also for fun). Here are some examples in which i've tried out different styles.


Everything is a chance to keep learning and growing.

Rachele Carloni_Uruguay Carteles.jpg

poster for: Uruguay Carteles

open call to design posters on the topic: 

humans vs nature

Rachele Carloni_Hahnenkamm Ski Race.jpg

poster for: Hahnenkamm Rennen Kitzbühel 

contest to design the 2020 poster for the famous Austrian ski race (only the background)

Rachele Carloni_Posterjam.jpg

poster for: @posterjam

poster challenges on instagram based on a new word every month, this one: SHAPE

Rachele Carloni_Posterheroes.jpg

poster for: Posterheroes 2020

international poster contest on the topic: 

humans at work

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