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TRANTRAN Alltag Interieur




Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg



The photographic project was built on the theme:

Alltag (everyday life).

I decided to photograph things that we see and use everyday but never notice too much, things that are somehow essential for our lives, but  ignored most

of the time. The photos show these visually underrated objects in a way that tries to enhance their importance and (why not?) beauty.

The final outcomes are a photographic book and two posters.


Ordinary objects represented with attention to colours and composition as if they were extraordinary.

Rachele Carloni_TRANTRAN7.jpg
Rachele Carloni_TRANTRAN3.jpg
Rachele Carloni_TRANTRAN1.jpg
Rachele Carloni_TRANTRAN8.jpg
Rachele Carloni_TRANTRAN2.jpg
Rachele Carloni_TRANTRAN9.jpg
Rachele Carloni_TRANTRAN5.jpg
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